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Our mission

To bring the love of God in an active and real, practical and testimonial way and in works to humanity; respecting the freedom of each individual and their personality, feeling the burning call of God to serve all men and women in need, from our Catholic spirituality. 

Our church works actively in human promotion, integral development,rescue of spiritual values from the depths of each being. 

"You also go to my vineyard" (Mt. 20, 3-4). 


Promote the spiritual and personal growth of the Hispanic community and assist it in the religious and social spheres, for a better integration in the South Florida community

​Coordinating the efforts of Hispanic parishioners to develop and enrich our parish community. Integrating our culture and language in the liturgy, in religious formation and in service to our community.


Educating our parishioners in the faith is an enriching task! Maybe is,
the best inheritance that we can give to our soul,  exalt it through  of faith.  
Educate ourselves in faith, so that it grows.


Also helping children, youth, and adults to know and love  Christ more and more, is one of the most beautiful educational adventures.

Let's build together the Church!  - 


Our Lady of Guadalupe National Catholic Church is the Hispanic parish where everyone is welcome, recognizing in each member a gift from God, living in the spirit of the Christian community.

The work of our church is directed to all those people in search of God, regardless of their past or present condition, the doors of our church are open to the community and to all who are invited to the Lord's table._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


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Our Church is directed by the parish priest Fr. Saúl Mejía, originally from El Salvador. Father Mejía studied Social Sciences at the University of El Salvador, Philosophy at the Rafael Landivar University (URL)  and Theology at the José Simeón Cañas Central American University (UCA) in El Salvador, he has been delegated by the church to travel to Guatemala, Peru, and to the city of the State of Illinois in the USA,  Joliet, working in favor of the immigrant community in those areas. 

Father Saúl held the position of Secretary General of Confregua (Conference of Religious Men and Women of Guatemala)  and in Peru he worked for poor communities in the south of Lima, creating social programs such as: Food Bank ( the food bank) and  social violence prevention projects.


He was ordained a priest at the National Catholic Church of North America on April 27, 2019 and is in charge of Hispanic affairs for his Diocese, Director of Radio Guadalupe Miami, as well as Director of  National Catholic Church Social Ministries.


Mario Petri, originally from Chicago, comes from a family of Italian immigrants. He completed two master's degrees, one in science in counseling psychology and the other in business, specializing in organizational development. 


He worked as a specialized counselor in the treatment of addictions during gran  part of his life. He was the founder and administrator of a non-profit outpatient clinic aimed at giving  services to people with addiction problems, attending to about 300-350 outpatients per week. Mario has obtained grants and won government contracts to support the low rates offered by his dispensary to the community.

After many years, the clinic merged with a local Catholic hospital and Mario moved to South Florida, where he worked at a university graduate school as an admissions counselor for foreign students. Since his recent retirement, Mario has collaborated as a leading member of the Church with Father Saúl in the ministry of Our Lady of Guadalupe National Catholic Church. 


 My name is Jack Maguire and I am a 5th year Ph. D candidate in the Global and Sociocultural Studies department. My research focuses on how changing immigration policies and laws in the United States are impacting Venezuelan and Honduran immigrant communities in Miami. I do so by investigating differential levels of violence these groups face from the United States government and its immigration system while traveling to, upon arrival, or while living in the country as well as violence they receive from society at large through things like labor exploitation and discrimination.


  Originally from Venezuela, Gabriela immigrated to the United States in 2016. She is currently enrolled in school to get her License homologated and eventually become an Immigration Attorney. The fact that Gabriella is bi-lingual in both English and Spanish is a great asset to communicate with our clients, making them feel more comfortable speaking their native language. 

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